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Wellington Public School

Wellington Public School

Where every child is known, valued and cared for.

Telephone02 6845 4080


Public Image /Undesirable Use of Social Media

It would be hard to understand why anyone who has children at our school would want to hurt our public image. At Wellington Public School we are proud of what we achieve and we care about every child who comes here to learn.

We have an amazing staff, dedicated to the children they teach. We practise the values of public education and we are there for all students without discrimination.

Our school is well funded and supported by programs, resources and initiatives that are not necessarily available in all schools. Teachers and support staff strive to optimise learning opportunities and often give freely of their time and labour to enhance the engagement of students, in activities not otherwise readily available to them. We strive to remediate deficits in learning and strengthen academic achievement for students who are really switched on.

Our students own our school because primarily it is here for them. We constantly look upon our Positive Behaviour for Learning strategy to guide us in being respectful, safe learners. Many of our students work hard and do everything we can ask of them. Many need support and encouragement and learn after gaining knowledge and confidence. It is only a smaller number of students who cause us concern with little motivation or enthusiasm for learning as well as perhaps having poor behaviours that challenge the routines and wellbeing of others.

Our parents should be our partners as we should share the same ideals and aspirations for their children's happiness and for their education. At school we try every day to promote the great things that are happening andit is very deflating when people work against what we are trying to build in our community for the betterment of all associated with our school.

Bullying in the school, in the workplace and in the community can be a contentious issue. Whenever we are aware of students having problems at school we would like to work with our parent partners in a proactive way to build student confidence and resilience so they are empowered to deal with difficult situations. As principal, executive staff, teachers and support personnel, we all try as a team to do the best for everyone and most people appreciate our efforts.

Why am I writing this? The answer is that bullying is often covert and cowardly where the perpetrator is seemingly manipulative or perceived as powerful and the victim is powerless and possibly out-numbered. Victims are often quite innocent and unaware of the reasons why the bullies attack them so unfairly. Do the bullies really think about what they are doing or even care how damaging their actions can be?

Social media gives people power to say whatever they like. Most of the time nice people use it in a sensible way. Sometimes it is used by bullies to be defamatory, cruel and unjust. There can be useful communication or it can cause grief and trouble. Why would anyone with pride in our school want to risk harming its good reputation by using a form of social media as their tool?

People who have anything they feel should be brought to the school's attention are always welcome to bring it to the table for discussion as partners in the wellbeing of our community's children.

For a long time I have said we serve our community and what we are, is a reflection of the community we serve. It is important that we promote the choice of good decisions and work together to value education as the key to the future for your children.