Wellington Public School Preschool is one of 100 NSW Department of Education preschools located right across NSW, in metropolitan, regional and remote locations. NSW Department of Education Preschools provide educational programs to children one year before starting school and are an integral part of the school in which they are located. Departmental preschools aim to ensure that “all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life” (Early Years Learning Framework, pg. 7).
Wellington is located on Wiradjuri country, on the banks of the Macquarie and Bell rivers. Mt Arthur rises to the west of the town and to the south east lies Burrendong Dam, one of the largest inland dams in NSW.
The Education & Care Services National Law outlines the objectives and guiding principles of the National Quality Framework. It is the intention of Wellington Public School Preschool to uphold and strive towards seeing these objectives and guiding principles reflected in the operation of our service. In particular our service aims:
• To ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of children attending the service is maintained at all times
• To improve the educational and developmental outcomes for children attending our service
• To ensure that the rights and best interests of each child are at the forefront of our practice
• To view each child as successful, competent and capable learners
• To ensure that our community’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures are valued
• To ensure that the role of parents and families is respected and supported.
In relation to children, we believe:
• Children are capable and resourceful learners who are active contributors to their own learning.
• Children’s mental and physical health and wellbeing is paramount to optimum learning.
• Children develop confidence and positive self-esteem through a supportive and secure environment.
Therefore we:
• Implement a child focused program based upon the principles, practices and learning outcomes outlined in the Early Years Learning Framework (ELYF) – Belonging, Being & Becoming.
• Use children’s interests, thoughts and ideas as the foundation of our educational program.
• Promote each child’s self-image and confidence, and ensure success through a range of provisions, experiences and opportunities that build upon their understandings, skills, values and cultural beliefs.
• Promote healthy eating and good hygiene.
• Implement an inclusive approach to support each child’s growth of identity, self-esteem and critical thinking.
• Encourage and support children to reach their full potential.
In relation to families, we believe:
• Families provide children with a foundation for learning
• Trust, respect and collaboration form the basis for strong partnerships between families and staff.
• Family involvement is integral to a high quality child-focused program.
Therefore we:
• Commit to open and constructive communication with families through daily conversations, program documentation, newsletters, photos and learning stories.
• Strive to have empathy, provide support and be responsive to family needs.
• Encourage families to engage in meaningful participation in the preschool and school.
In relation to the educational program, we believe:
• It is important that children develop independence and the ability to work co-operatively with peers and adults through interactions with their environment.
• Children need opportunities to consolidate their learning through practice in key learning areas (language and literacy, numeracy, creative and expressive arts, science, social and emotional development) and to work towards the learning outcomes of Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) – Belonging, Being and Becoming.
• Diversity within our preschool families, staff and community should be respected and valued.
Therefore we:
• Implement a flexible program that is responsive to the children’s learning needs and interests.
• Use observations of children as the basis of our educational program.
• Use both indoor and outdoor environments that allow children to be agents of their own learning, to observe, perceive, explore, investigate, imagine and problem solve.
• Make the best use of resources and play areas to provide authentic, challenging and appropriate learning experiences.
In relation to staff, we believe:
• Employing staff who demonstrate a commitment to the education and care of children, and who possess the personal qualities that ensure the best interests of children and their families are maintained at all times.
• The personal and professional contributions of staff are valuable and contribute to a quality early childhood program.
Therefore we:
• Provide opportunities for staff to share in decision making across the service.
• Provide a safe happy working environment with time to complete expected duties.
• Provide ongoing professional development and feedback.
In relation to community, we believe:
• We must strive to be a centre of excellence for early childhood education
• It is our responsibility as educators to share our knowledge and experiences.
• It is necessary to consistently review and evaluate practice and procedures to ensure the effectiveness of our preschool within the community.
Therefore we:
• Ensure that we operate within the guidelines set down by governing and professional bodies.
• Utilise local support services in effective and meaningful ways.
• Participate in community and school events.