Our service has the responsibility to ensure the safety and supervision of children in and around water. This relates to water play, excursions, drinking water and hygiene practices with water in our preschool environment.
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children aged 1-4 years in Australia. While most drowning occurs in backyard swimming pools, it is important to be aware that children can drown in as little as 6cm of water.
Children’s safety and wellbeing will be protected in and around water through supervision and prevention and be promoted through the availability of clean, hygienic water for play and for drinking.
Legislative Requirements
Education & Care Services National Law
Education & Care Services National Regulations 2011
Links to the National Quality Standard
Standard 2.3 – Each child is protected
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Families and staff members at Wellington Public School Preschool
The Nominated Supervisor will:
· Ensure children are adequately supervised, are not subject to inappropriate discipline, and are protected from harms and hazards.
· Provide supervision, guidance and advice to ensure adherence to the policy at all times.
· Ensure risk assessments for excursions planned near water identify a higher staff to child ratio to ensure adequate supervision.
· Ensure First Aid and CPR qualifications and requirements are met at all times.
· Provide families with community messages regarding safe water practices.
Educators and staff will:
· Ensure water troughs or containers for water play are filled to a safe level. These activities will be supervised at all times and containers or troughs will be emptied onto garden areas after use. Children will be discouraged from drinking from these water activities.
· Embed water safety messages into the children’s education program.
· Empty buckets used for cleaning immediately after use. No buckets are left unsupervised in play areas or accessible to children.
· When filling any water vessel with water ensure that this area is well supervised while children are at play and that all water is drained out when experience is finished.
· Provide clean drinking water at all times. This water will be supervised to ensure that it is safe and hygienic for consuming. Water containers will be securely sealed. At the end of each day, any water container will be emptied and cleaned thoroughly.
· A risk assessment will be conducted prior to any excursion taking place. Particular attention will be focused upon water safety where the excursion is near a body of water.
Related Policies/Procedures
Excursions Policy & Procedure
Child Safe Environment Procedure
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.