Emergency and evacuation situations in a preschool can arise in a number of circumstances and for a variety of reasons. In the event of an emergency or evacuation situation, the safety and wellbeing of all staff, children, families and visitors to the centre are paramount and as such, Wellington Public School Preschool is committed to identifying risks and hazards of emergency and evacuation situations, and planning for their reduction or minimisation, and ongoing review of planned actions around handling these situations.
We will:
· Conduct ongoing risk assessments and reviews of all potential emergency and evacuation situations, including medical emergency;
· Risks assessed should include but not be limited to a range of emergency situations, including fire or explosion, dangerous chemical release, medical emergency, natural disaster, bomb threats, violence or robbery;
· Develop specific procedures around each potential emergency situation and ensure full awareness by all staff through the provision of professional development;
· Ensure regular drill/rehearsal and evaluation of emergency and evacuation procedures – at least once each term for each group of children.
Legislative Requirements
Education & Care Services National Law
Education & Care Services National Regulations 2011
Links to the National Quality Standard
Standard 2.2 – Safety - Each child is protected
Element 2.2.2 – Incident & emergency – Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Executive, educators, staff members, children, families and visitors at Wellington Public School Preschool
As our risk management approach to emergency and evacuation situations the School Principal will:
· Work together with all preschool staff to identify potential emergency and evacuation situations that may arise at our centre to identify all risks associated with such situations;
· Work together with all preschool staff to develop procedures to manage all risks associated with emergency and evacuation situations. These procedures will be attached to this policy; (See attachment A, B and C )
· Ensure the development and display of an emergency evacuation floor plan;
· Ensure educators and staff have ready access to an operating telephone or similar means of communication and that emergency telephone numbers are displayed near telephones;
· Ensure educators and staff have ready access to emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets, and that staff are adequately trained in their use;
· Ensure that emergency equipment is tested as recommended by recognised authorities; and
· Ensure that up to date portable emergency contact lists are accessible and that evacuation procedures include the carrying of this list by the Preschool teacher at the point of evacuation of each classroom.
Educators will:
· Assist the School Principal in identifying risks and potential emergency situations;
· Assist the School Principal in developing procedures to lessen the risks associated with emergency evacuations;
· Ensure they are aware of the placement of telephones and emergency equipment, and are confident in their ability to operate them.
Communication and Display of Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
The Approved Provider and School Principal will:
· Ensure the emergency evacuation procedures and floor plan are displayed in a prominent position and that all staff and educators are aware of these;
· Ensure that all staff are trained in the emergency evacuation procedures;
· Ensure that all staff are aware of emergency evacuation points.
Educators and staff will:
· Contribute to the development of emergency and evacuation procedures;
· Ensure they are aware of the emergency evacuation procedures; and
· Ensure the emergency evacuation procedures and floor plan are displayed.
Scheduled and Spontaneous Drills/Rehearsals of Responses to Emergency Situations
The School Principal will:
· Provide staff and educators with specific procedures around all potential emergency situations;
· Ensure that the evacuation procedures are in accordance with the evacuation floor plan;
· Ensure that rehearsals of evacuation procedures are regularly scheduled, at least once every term for each group, and that it takes place at a time that maximises the number of children and staff participating in the drill;
· Evaluation/feedback forms are completed after each scheduled and spontaneous rehearsal to assist in refining the risk management procedures around the safe evacuation of staff and children.
Educators and staff members will:
· Provide children with learning opportunities about emergency evacuation procedures;
· Add to each child’s sense of security, predictability and safety by conducting regular emergency rehearsals;
· Be alert to the immediate needs of all children throughout the scheduled and spontaneous evacuation drills.
Documentation and Record Keeping
· Ensure all scheduled, spontaneous and actual evacuations are documented and reviewed;
· Ensure staff are provided with feedback forms after each evacuation; and
· Ensure all emergency contact lists are updated as required.
Related Policies/Procedures
NSW Department of Education Emergency Management Procedures
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.