This procedure relates to the use of school bus services for the purposes of attending preschool for children enrolled at Wellington Public School Preschool.
Legislative Requirements
· National Quality Standard
- Standard 2.2 – Safety – Each child is protected
- Standard 7.1 – Governance – Governance supports the operation of a quality services.
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Parents/guardians and staff at WPS Preschool
- Travel to and from preschool by school bus is a private arrangement made between parents and the bus service (Ogdens Coaches).
- Responsibility for children travelling to and from preschool on a school bus must be accepted by the parents.
- It is recommended that a child enrolled at WPS Preschool only use the school bus service if accompanied by an older sibling or other designated school student with arrangements made between families.
- For children who will be travelling by bus to and from preschool, it is a requirement that parents/guardians sign a bus permission form available as part of the enrolment process, prior to the child’s attendance at the service.
- It is a parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to inform WPS Preschool staff, preferably in writing or phone call, if travel arrangements alter.
- Parents/guardians must arrange with Ogden’s Coaches if your child is to travel by bus. Parents/guardians are to ensure the bus company knows when and if your child will be travelling by bus. You may be charged for using the bus service.
Related Policies/Procedures
- Delivery and collection of children procedure
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.