Ensuring the health and safety of children, and staff, and supporting children’s ongoing wellbeing, is a core focus of our preschool. Educators need to be aware of the likelihood of young children being exposed to an infectious illness whilst in care. Maintaining hygiene practices within the centre and teaching young children about health and hygiene will assist in the prevention of infectious diseases. Providing families with timely and current information will further support this process.
Children’s exposure to infectious diseases will be minimised by:
· following all recommended guidelines from relevant authorities regarding the prevention of infectious diseases;
· promotion of practices that reduce the transmission of infection;
· the exclusion of sick children and staff;
· service support for child immunisation; and
· implementation of effective hand washing procedures.
Legislative Requirements
Education & Care Services National Law
Education & Care Services National Regulations 2011
Public Health Act 2010
Links to the National Quality Standard
Standard 2.1 – Health - Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Families and staff members at Wellington Public School Preschool
The Nominated Supervisor will:
· Ensure that all information regarding the prevention of infectious diseases is sourced from a recognised health authority, such as: Staying Healthy in Child Care – Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care (4th edition), National Health and Medical Research Council (2006), and the NSW Ministry of Health, or NSW public hospitals websites;
· Implement the recommendations from Staying Healthy in Child Care – Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the service;
· Develop procedures for:
§ Maintaining a hygienic environment;
§ Providing families with relevant infectious diseases, health and hygiene information;
§ Guiding children’s understanding of health and hygiene throughout the daily program;
§ Ensuring staff are aware of relevant immunisation guidelines for children and themselves; and
§ Maintaining relevant records regarding the current status of the immunisation of staff and children at the service, as well as any relevant medical conditions of children at the service.
· Develop an enrolment procedure that captures all required information regarding the children’s immunisation status, and any medical conditions;
· Provide relevant sourced materials to families about:
§ The current NSW Immunisation Schedule for children;
§ Exclusion guidelines for children that are not immunised or have not yet received all their immunisations in the event of an infectious illness at the service, upon induction at the service;
§ Advice and information regarding any infectious diseases in general, and information regarding any specific infectious illnesses that are suspected/present in the service – All infectious diseases identified at the centre will be notified to parents by the Infectious Diseases Notification Form (See Attachment A) displayed in the foyer of the preschool and in each classroom.
§ Providing information on illnesses (as soon as practicable after the occurrence of an infectious disease).
· Provide information to families as soon as practicable of the occurrence of an infectious disease that describe the:
§ Nature of illness;
§ Incubation period; and
§ Infectious and exclusion periods.
§ This information will be sourced from a reliable source such as, Staying Healthy in Childcare - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care (4th Edition);
· Maintaining confidentiality with regards to children’s individual medical circumstances, by ensuring only necessary medical information regarding the child is displayed for emergency situation;
· Advising staff of the recommended immunisations for people working with children as per the Immunisation Handbook – 9th Edition (2008);
· Ensuring opportunities for educators and families to be involved in the review of the policies and procedures regarding children’s health and safety; and
· Inform and implement the advice of the health department, or local health unit regarding Infectious Diseases as required;
· Maintain currency with regard to Health and Safety by attending appropriate professional development opportunities as appropriate.
Educators will:
· Ensure that any children that are suspected of having an infectious Illness are responded to and their health and emotional needs supported at all times - reference to Staying Healthy in Childcare - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care (4th Edition) will be implemented as necessary;
· Implement appropriate health and safety procedures, as outlined in Staying Healthy in Childcare - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care (4th Edition) when tending to ill children;
· Ensure that families are aware of the need to collect their children as soon as practicable to ensure the child’s comfort;
· Advise families that they will need to alert the service if their child is diagnosed with an Infectious Illness;
· Provide varied opportunities for children to engage in hygiene practices, including routine opportunities, and intentional practice;
· Take into consideration the grouping of children to reduce the risk of acquiring an infectious illness when planning the routines/program of the day;
· Implement the services health and hygiene policy including:
§ Hand washing – washing and drying thoroughly;
§ Routine and daily cleaning of the service;
§ Wearing gloves (particularly when in direct contact with bodily fluids); and
§ roper handling and preparation of food.
Families will:
· Advise the service of their child’s immunisation status, and provide written documentation of this for the centre to copy and keep with the child’s enrolment records;
· Advise the centre when their child’s immunisation/medical condition is updated and provide this information to the service to ensure that enrolment records are up to date; and
· Have the opportunity to provide input into the review and effectiveness of policies and procedures of the centre via various methods.
Related Policies/Procedures
· Enrolment Procedure
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.