Wellington Public School Preschool will facilitate effective care and health management of children who have diabetes, and the prevention and management of acute episodes of illness and medical emergencies.
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood and affects 1-2 per 1000 children and adolescents under 20 years. Appropriate diabetes care in an early childhood education and care setting is important for the immediate and long term welfare of the child and to optimize their behaviour and academic development.
Relevant Legislation
Education and Care Services National Law 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Link to National Quality Standards
Quality Area 2.1.1: Each child’s health needs are supported
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Parents/guardians and staff at WPS Preschool
Key Resources
- Diabetes Australia www.diabetesaustralia.com.au
· Australian First Aid, St John Ambulance Australia: www.stjohn.org.au
Implementation Practices
To facilitate effective care for a child with diabetes it is necessary to form a partnership between Wellington Public School Preschool and the child’s family, with responsibilities for all parties concerned.
Our preschool will;
- Ensure that any parent/carer with a child diagnosed with diabetes enrolling at our service is provided with a copy of this Medical Conditions policy;
- Inform parents of the requirement to provide the service with a medical management plan of their child’s condition;
- Collaborate with families of children with diabetes to develop a risk minimisation plan to ensure the child’s safety and wellbeing
- To ensure that the risks relating to the child’s specific medical condition are assessed and minimized
- Ensure all educators are aware of any child that has diabetes prior to the children starting at the service. Photos are taken of any child with diabetes and placed in a prominent position in the office and classroom.
- In any medical emergency involving a child with diabetes, the educators should immediately dial 000 for an ambulance, notify the family and administer first aid or emergency medical aid according to the child’s Diabetes Care/First Aid Plan, or a doctors instructions, or if these are not available, use the First Aid Plan for Diabetic Emergency from Australian First Aid, St John Ambulance Australia, 2011 on the following pages.
- Ensure the family supplies all necessary glucose monitoring and management equipment.
- Ensure there are educators who are appropriately trained to perform finger-prick glucose or urinalysis monitoring and know what action to take if these are abnormal.
- Ensure that there are appropriate glucose foods or sweetened drinks readily available to treat hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), e.g. Glucose tablets, glucose jelly beans, fruit juice
- If a child has had an episode of hypoglycemia and needed glucose food or drink, also provide the child with a slow acting carbohydrate food to help maintain blood glucose levels, e.g. milk, raisin toast, yoghurt, fruit
- Ensure a location at the service that provides privacy for the child when glucose monitoring occurs.
- Ensure child only has food and drink that are appropriate for the child and are in accordance with the child’s medical management plan.
- Ensure opportunity for the child to participate in any activity, exercise or excursion that is appropriate and in accordance with their medical management plan.
Families will:
· Inform educators, either upon enrolment or on initial diagnosis, that their child has diabetes.
· Provide all relevant information regarding the child’s medical condition via the medical management plan, provided by the child’s doctor.
· The medical management plan completed prior to the enrolment of the child and reviewed by the educators and parents each year or more frequently should any changes in treatment occur.
· Notify the educators, in writing, of any changes to the medical management plan during the year.
· Supply all relevant BGL testing equipment and insulin injections, as well as ‘hypo kits’, in the event of a hypoglycemic episode
· Medication is given to educators who will place it in an appropriate place for ready access when required. This will be a place inaccessible to the children.
· No medications are to be stored in children’s bags.
· Communicate all relevant information and concerns with educators as the need arises e.g. any recent hypos
· A Diabetes Medical Management plan should include;
- When, how and how often the child is to have finger prick or urinalysis glucose or ketone monitoring
- What meals and snack are required including food contact, amount and timing
- What activities and exercise the child can and cannot do
- Whether the child can go on excursions and what provisions are required
- What symptoms and signs to look for that might indicate hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose)
- What action to take including emergency contacts for the child’s doctor and family or what first aid to give
- Their doctor’s name, address and phone number, and phone number for contact in case of an emergency
Document Availability
This procedure will be readily accessible to all educators, staff, families and visitors, and ongoing feedback on this procedure will be invited.
Related Policies
· Medical Conditions Procedure
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.