The NSW Department of Education and Communities operates preschool classes in 100 government schools. These classes were established to provide a preschool education for children one year before school entry in areas of disadvantage with a particular focus on children:
- living in low socio-economic circumstances.
- who are refugees or from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- with disabilities.
- who are Aboriginal.
In line with the Preschool Enrolment Policy schools are required to provide priority to the neediest children in the local community who are unable to access other early childhood centres.
General principles governing the fees for preschool classes
· The preschool fee schedule is based on the Preschool Class Fees in Government Schools policy, and outlines the daily fees that schools should charge for attendance at the preschool.
· The schedule allows for reductions for commonwealth health care card holders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
· The preschool fee will vary across the government schools with preschool classes and will be set with reference to the relative Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) value of the school.
· Fees will be more heavily subsidised in schools with a relatively low ICSEA value in recognition of the cumulative effect of high concentrations of low socio-economic disadvantage.
· The fee for attendance at preschool classes in government schools will be adjusted annually.
· Fees will be rounded down to the nearest dollar.
· There is provision for fee relief.
· There is provision for a full fee exemption.
At Wellington Public School Preschool, our aim is to provide families with a clear understanding of the scheduling and payment of fees for their child’s attendance at our preschool.
Legislative Requirements
Education & Care Services National Law
Education & Care Services National Regulations 2011
Links to the National Quality Standard
Standard 7.1 – Governance support the operation of a quality service
Associated Departmental policy, procedure or guideline
Preschool Class Fees in Government Schools
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Families and staff members at Wellington Public School Preschool
· Daily Fees for attendance at Wellington Public School Preschool are currently set at:
Full Fee
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families
Commonwealth Health Care Card Holders
· National child care rebates and subsidies are not available to families, as department preschools do not meet the government’s criteria for these.
· Please note: If a health care card expires during the term, the new current card must be produced before the start of the new term, otherwise the full rate will be charged for the new term.
· Fees will be invoiced on a term by term basis, with invoices placed in your child’s note pockets by the end of Week 3 each term.
· Payment of term fees will be required by the end of Week 9 of each term.
· In the situation where a family cannot afford preschool fees, it is at the Principal’s discretion to reduce a child’s fees. Families wishing to seek a further fee reduction or fee exemption must put their request in writing to the School Principal.
· Please note: There is no requirement for Wellington Public School Preschool to reduce or refund fees in the case of your child’s absence from preschool.
· Sometimes a family taking an extended holiday during the preschool may request to have their child’s position be held by the preschool while they are absent. This is at the principal’s discretion depending on the circumstances of the family. However, if there are children on the waiting list for a position at preschool, this may impact your child’s place being held. If your child’s position is held, it will be requested that your child’s fees for the period of absence be paid in advance.
Payment of Fees
Payment of preschool fees can be made by:
· Cash – placed in an envelope marked with your child’s name, preschool fees and the amount enclosed. This envelope can be placed in the fee box located on the side of the bench in the foyer.
· EFTPOS – these facilities are available for families in the school office. They are not available at the preschool
· Cheque – to be made payable to Wellington Public School.
Unpaid fees
The application to enrol in a government preschool clearly states that preschool fees are charged. The school principal is required to follow up fees that have been outstanding for one month and to develop a plan for fee recovery. This could include reduced fees or in exceptional circumstances fee exemption if the child would otherwise not be able to attend the preschool program.
It is recommended that when commencing follow up action an Unpaid Fees Report be forwarded to the parents advising the amount that is outstanding. Preschool fees are a legally enforceable debt.
If no response received:
Action to be taken
Within 28 days of the date of issue of the invoice
A first reminder letter is to be sent to the Parent/Carer requesting payment of the fees. The letter is to:
- remind the parent/carer of obligations for payment of fees
- advise that the letter should be disregarded if payment has recently been made
- ask the parent/carer to reply by return mail.
Within 14 days of the date of the first reminder letter
A second reminder letter is to be sent stating that if the fees remain unpaid within 14 days or a satisfactory reply has not been received, the account will be referred to Legal Services, Debt Recovery Officer for recovery action and for consideration of the student's continued attendance at the preschool. The first reminder letter is to be referred to in the text of the second reminder letter.
Within a further 14 days of the second reminder letter
A third letter referring to the two previous letters is to be sent, advising that the matter will be referred to Legal Services in 14 days.
Within a further 14 days of the third reminder letter
The matter is to be submitted to the Debt Recovery Officer at Legal Services for action to recover the debt, and the student is to be withdrawn from the preschool.
For a student who has left the school and fees remain unpaid
The same sequence of letters for past students is to be undertaken before referring to Legal Services for debt recovery.
Related Policies/Procedures
WPS Preschool Enrolment Procedure
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.