This procedure relates to the administration of prescribed medication to children enrolled at Wellington Public School Preschool.
Legislative Requirements
· Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
· Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
o Specific Regulations: 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 136, 137(1)(e), 168(2)(a), 245
o Related Regulations: 90, 91, 160, 161, 162, 168, 177, 178, 181–184
Links to the National Quality Standard
· Quality Area 2: Children’s Health and Safety
o Standard 2.1.2: Health Practices & Procedures
o Standard 2.2.1: Supervision
Who is affected by this Procedure?
This procedures applies to the Certified Supervisor, educators, staff, students on placement, volunteers, parents/guardians, children and others attending the programs and activities of Wellington Public School Preschool, including during offsite excursions and activities.
Medication is not to be administered to a child being educated and cared for by WPS Preschool unless it is authorised, and the medication is administered in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Regulation 95
Educators and staff members are responsible for:
o ensuring that each child’s enrolment form provides details of the name, address and telephone number of any person who has lawful authority to request and permit the administration of medication to the child
o administering medication in accordance with Regulation 95 and the guidelines set out in Department of Education’s policy for the administration of medication
o communicating with parents/guardians about the procedures outlined in this document and the parent/guardian responsibilities when requesting medication be administered to their child, and making the medication record available for parents/guardians to record information during operational hours
o ensuring that all details in the medication record have been completed by parents/guardians/authorised persons in accordance with Regulation 92(3) prior to administering medication
o obtaining verbal authorisation for the administration of medication from the child’s parents/guardians/authorised person (as recorded in the child’s enrolment record), or a registered medical practitioner or medical emergency services when an authorised person cannot reasonably be contacted in an emergency (Regulation (93)(5)(b))
o ensuring that two staff members who have completed the online training for the administration of prescription medication, one of whom must be an educator, are present when verbal permission to administer medication is received, and that details of this verbal authorisation are completed in the medication record
o ensuring that verbal permission is followed up with a written authorisation as soon as is practicable
o ensuring any medication stored at WPS Preschool is locked away securely out of the reach of children
o ensuring that parents/guardians take all medication home at the end of each session/day.
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
o ensuring that any medication to be administered is recorded in the medication record kept at WPS Preschool
o providing a current medical management plan when their child requires long-term treatment of a condition that includes medication, or their child has been prescribed medication to be used for a diagnosed condition in an emergency
o ensuring that the details of authorised persons are kept up to date in the child’s enrolment form
o ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at WPS Preschool are provided in their original container with the label intact, bearing the child’s name, dosage, instructions and the expiry date
o ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at WPS Preschool are within their expiry date
o physically handing the medication to a staff member and informing them of the appropriate storage and administration instructions for the medication provided
o clearly labelling non-prescription medications and over-the-counter products (for example sunscreen if required) with the child’s name. The instructions and use-by dates must also be visible
o ensuring that no medication or over-the-counter products are left in their child’s bag or locker
o taking all medication home at the end of each session/day
o informing educators at WPS Preschool if any medication has been administered to the child before bringing them to Preschool, and if the administration of that medication is relevant to or may affect the care provided to the child at WPS Preschool
o ensuring that their child’s enrolment details are up to date, and providing current details of persons who have lawful authority to request or permit the administration of medication.
Related Policies
NSW Department of Education Preschool Handbook – January 2016
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.