At Wellington Public School Preschool, an effective complaints and grievance management system is in place to ensure that staff, families and community understand that complaints and grievances are taken seriously and investigated promptly, fairly and thoroughly.
At Wellington Public School Preschool, effective management of complaints helps to inform our quality improvement process and is an efficient way of considering and acting on feedback from families.
Legislative Requirements
Education & Care Services National Law
Education & Care Services National Regulations – Reg 168, Reg 176
Links to the National Quality Standard
Standard 7.1 – Governance supports the operation of a quality service
Element 7.1.2 - Management Systems: Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effect management and operation of a quality service
Associated Department policy, procedure or guideline
Complaints Handling Policy
School Community and Consumer Complaint Procedure
Code of Conduct
Who is affected by this Procedure?
Families and staff members at Wellington Public School Preschool
A formal complaint is an allegation that the National Education & Care Services Law and Regulation has been contravened, or that a serious incident has or is occurring while a child or children are being educated and cared for at Wellington Public School Preschool.
While most complaints should be resolved informally with the relevant staff member, there are provisions for the use of formal procedures depending on the nature and seriousness of the complaint. All staff need to be aware of their responsibility to comply with the DoE Code of Conduct Procedures and the ECA Code of Ethics.
In the entrance foyer of Wellington Public School Preschool is our Service Approval stating all complaints are to be directed to the School Principal. Complaints can be made to the School Principal in person, via telephone on (02) 6845 4080, or via email to the school’s email address wellington-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au .
Contact details are also provided for the NSW Regulatory Authority, the Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate. The Directorate can be contacted on 1800 619 113.
Families are informed about our complaint handling procedures in the Wellington Public School Preschool Information Handbook.
Informal complaints/grievances
Informal issues by a parent or caregiver will be dealt with by the relevant preschool staff at the time of the issue being raised or as soon as practically possible. The Preschool Educator (SLSO) may refer the issue to the Preschool Educator (teacher). A record of any informal issues is kept in the Complaints Record, which is located in the administration office at the preschool.
Informal issues that cannot be resolved by the Preschool staff will be directed to the Preschool supervisor (Principal/Nominated Supervisor).
Formal complaints
Formal complaints alleging that the safety, health or wellbeing of a child was or is being compromised, or that the law has been breached, are to be directed to the School Principal/Nominated Supervisor. The Principal/Nominated Supervisor will then make all relevant notifications within the prescribed timeframes:
· Within 24 hours – notify Early Learning if a complaint related to a breach of a regulation or law.
· Within 7 days – notify Early Learning if there is any circumstance that poses a risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of a child attending the service.
The Principal/Nominated Supervisor will contact the Early Learning Unit to inform advisors about the complaint, which will include:
· The complainant name and contact details
· The name of the child/children, gender and date of birth
· Details, including the date the complaint was received, a copy of the written complaint (or summary) and any other relevant documentation including correspondence, photos, statements etc
· Steps taken by Wellington Public School Preschool staff in response to the complaint.
If a staff member has concerns related to the behaviour or actions of another employee, contractor or volunteer, they should contact the Director, Emplotee Performance and Conduct Directorate (EPAC).
Related Policies/Procedures
This procedure will be reviewed annually. Review will be conducted by School Principal, Preschool Staff, parents/carers and any interested parties.